

We had friends over for a play date a few weeks ago, they have littles the exact same age as ours. The older boys were playing while the babies stared at each other and then E got sleepy. It was 2 p.m. and she hadn't had a nap yet that day. When asked what her nap schedule was like, I naively replied " oh twice a day at 10:30 and 2:30 on the couch, while she nurses. I was NOT expecting the reaction I got. She was horrified that E slept on top of me, for both naps, everyday, for hours at a time.

 "How do you get anything done?" I do it while they're awake.

"When do you have time for yourself?" Um… good question.

I was totally embarrassed, and a little mad at myself for letting this happen. If everyone else was using nap time for marvellous, unheard of things like "me time" what the hell was my problem? Why didn't I think of that? And more importantly, how do I fix it?

Max gave up naps at around age two, but when he was napping, it was the same situation. I may have been able to slide out from underneath him occasionally, but it never lasted more than twenty minutes, so I almost never did it. She doesn't always sleep on me, sometime she'll pass out in the car, or in her stroller and then we can put her in a bed, but most of the time, it's nursing while snuggled up to me. I should mention we also co-sleep with E and did with Max until Ellie showed up. Apparently I hate sleeping.

So, since then I have been trying to get E to nap without me, without  much any luck, and have tried to transfer her to the crib for at least a few hours every night, it's not happening. I was OK with our situation until it came up as a hot topic, do I really need to change things now? Probably. But, for now I'm ok with the extra, daytime snuggles.

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