

We're big readers around here, novels, magazines, comic books, newspapers, the whole nine. It's one hobby we can all enjoy separately or as a family, especially when Matt reads and does the voices. They're pretty spectacular. It's how we spend lazy afternoons, early mornings, and the hour between bath and bedtime.

Max mostly "reads" on the iPad, and has all his favorite books memorized, which he now reads to E. If we haven't seen them in a while it's because they've raided the bookshelves, not because they're shaving the cat or lighting the couch ablaze. We won the lottery in the kid department. E has even started choosing which books she was us to read at bedtime, which is just. the. cutest.

Luckily for us, we have a house full of books, a million (maybe not even an exaggeration?) on the e-reader and a library at the top of the street, happy babies, happy household! I snapped these pictures a few mornings ago, which is why the littles are still in their pjs, this is what they were doing while I was making them breakfast. Usually when you have little ones, and it's quiet, you should be worried, but not this time. They can keep you on your toes sometimes, in the best way possible.

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Nice comments only please, my Mum reads this!