
On turning Four

Because turning four is kind of a big deal - you only get to do it once - and it's such a funny age, lots of talking, conversing even, I thought I'd interview Max on how he feels about his upcoming birthday...

Q. What are you looking forward to being able to do, once you're four?

A. Lifting big things, like boulders. I can't wait to be big and tall!

Q. What is the most important thing you've learned so far?

A. Sommersaults and flips. Like acrobat Robin.

Q. Do you feel older and wiser?

A. Yup. Like an owl.

Q. What will you miss about being three?

A. Ellie won't be able to call me a baby anymore. That's all though.

As much as he loves to talk, I thought maybe four questions would be enough to keep his interest and it is in honour of his birthday. I think I might do these every year from now on, increasing the hard hitting questions by one, each year. Might be fun, as long as he still wants to do it.

Four is going to be a good year, I can feel it.

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